ISSUE 126 - AUTUMN 2017

Create: 09/17/2017 - 13:53

An example from the large collection of photographs of Colleens formed by H. Pringle Wilson at Ballymaclinton during 1908 & 1909 and copied by George Ithell many years later when they were in the possession of Mr Wilson’s daughters Mollie Ironside and Isobel Irwin. The collection of copies are now in the Exhibition Study Group archives.

In this issue

Notice of our 31 Annual Convention                                                                                30

Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg by David Ogden                                                        30

Ballymaclinton song sheet by Gart Westerhout and E-mail correspondence        32

Anchor Line & Anchor-Donaldson Line at Wembley by Mike Perkins                       39


See also

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